KA11 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

KA11 3 is a postcode sector in North Ayrshire, UK. Below is a complete list of KA11 3 Postcodes (Active). KA11 3 postcode sector comprises of 37 active postcodes. KA11 3 sector has a population of 1310, and it has 597 properties in the region.

Browse Information On KA11 3 postcode sector

KA11 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1310
Addresses / Property Count 597
Active Postcodes 37
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of KA11 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-37 of 37 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
KA11 3AA 55.61306200 -4.58696300 32 74 237162 638533
KA11 3AB 55.61325000 -4.58913500 23 49 237026 638559
KA11 3AD 55.61318800 -4.59079900 26 58 236921 638556
KA11 3AE 55.61222300 -4.58924200 27 51 237015 638445
KA11 3AF 55.61272800 -4.58916400 16 28 237022 638501
KA11 3AG 55.61269800 -4.58709400 14 37 237152 638493
KA11 3AH 55.61352100 -4.58600500 8 19 237224 638582
KA11 3AJ 55.61381100 -4.58716700 20 46 237152 638617
KA11 3AL 55.61362100 -4.58989000 44 116 236980 638602
KA11 3AN 55.61345800 -4.59500900 29 75 236657 638596
KA11 3AP 55.61381600 -4.59211100 N/A N/A 236841 638629
KA11 3AQ 55.61266400 -4.58582500 14 37 237232 638486
KA11 3AR 55.61362000 -4.59673500 28 51 236549 638618
KA11 3AS 55.61298100 -4.59888400 17 27 236411 638552
KA11 3AT 55.61472100 -4.59523500 22 37 236648 638737
KA11 3AU 55.61496000 -4.59585500 5 8 236610 638765
KA11 3AW 55.61412000 -4.59219400 6 12 236837 638663
KA11 3AX 55.61403900 -4.58882200 4 8 237049 638646
KA11 3AY 55.61428200 -4.59261800 6 15 236811 638682
KA11 3AZ 55.61568200 -4.59147100 12 34 236889 638835
KA11 3BA 55.61507200 -4.59224100 19 38 236838 638769
KA11 3BB 55.61511300 -4.59071900 9 21 236934 638770
KA11 3BD 55.61442700 -4.59127700 17 39 236896 638695
KA11 3BE 55.61463900 -4.59008000 26 47 236972 638716
KA11 3BF 55.61579100 -4.58875900 N/A N/A 237060 638841
KA11 3BG 55.61529900 -4.58907600 18 47 237038 638787
KA11 3BH 55.61531000 -4.58852100 1 1 237073 638787
KA11 3BJ 55.61728400 -4.59008400 17 41 236983 639010
KA11 3BL 55.61763800 -4.58947200 22 51 237023 639048
KA11 3BP 55.61894300 -4.58984400 15 30 237005 639194
KA11 3BQ 55.61455800 -4.58850700 5 5 237071 638703
KA11 3BT 55.61448100 -4.59469500 19 26 236681 638709
KA11 3BU 55.61470500 -4.58792900 15 31 237108 638718
KA11 3BW 55.61934900 -4.59103000 29 83 236932 639242
KA11 3DA 55.61989800 -4.60702600 23 48 235927 639341
KA11 3DB 55.62397000 -4.61133500 1 3 235673 639804
KA11 3DE 55.61332300 -4.59918900 8 17 236393 638591
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